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Colonel Fraser's Reel2017年3月28日更新
The Belfast Hornpipe2016年8月17日追加
Wonder, Acrobat(ホーンパイプ)2016年5月3日追加
Mick Hand's(リール 3曲メドレー)2016年4月28日追加
Sally Gally2016年4月22日追加
Bridget Cruise Second Air
Give Me Your Hand
Return from Fingal
Planxty Irwin
Fanny Power
An Paistin Fionn
Sheebeg Sheemore
O'Carolan's Draught
Star of the County Down
O'Carolan's Welcome
The Muster Cloak
Foggy Dew
Bruach Na Carraige Baine
ダンスの王様 The Lord of the Dance
Egan's Polka
Christy Barry's
Returned Yank / Salley Gardens
Paddy Clancy's / Fairy Dance
Irish Washerwoman
Garret Barry's
Cuil Aodha
Fanny Power(フルートとフィドルの二重奏)
Fanny Power(フルート二重奏)
Easy Reel
The Maid on The Green
The Banks of Turf
Father Kelly's Reel
Manus Lunny's Terracotta Power Pop
Mulingar Lea
Drunken Landlaby
London Lasses
Cat's Meow
King of Pipers
Flying Wheelchair
Munster Bacon
King of Fairies
O'Carolan's Concerto
Ivory Flute
The Kesh Jig
Trip to Brittany
Farewell to Erin
The Snowy Path
Shove The Pig's Foot A Little Closer To The Fire
Shoe the Donkey
Stack of Barley
Madame Bonaparte
Golden Keyboard
Chief O'Neil's favourite
My Darling Asleep
March of the King of Laois
Terry Teehan's / Kerry Fling
3つのポルカ(Tom O'Sullivan's - The Last Chance - Wren's)
Pressed for Time
Fairy Dance
Eleanor Plunkett
Blind Mary
The Level Plain
The Gentle Maiden